Microsoft gets contract to make HoloLens for the US military Microsoft gets contract to make HoloLens for the US military Reviewed by ilman on 12:45 PM Rating: 5
Pandemic Corona, Fitbit Switch Makes Ventilator Pandemic Corona, Fitbit Switch Makes Ventilator Reviewed by ilman on 2:41 PM Rating: 5
Teens use apps to keep secrets? Teens use apps to keep secrets? Reviewed by ilman on 4:24 AM Rating: 5
Fastest plane in the world Fastest plane in the world Reviewed by ilman on 4:23 AM Rating: 5
Wireless Headphones are now on Market Wireless Headphones are now on Market Reviewed by ilman on 4:11 AM Rating: 5
Drones being used to monitor WordCup Drones being used to monitor WordCup Reviewed by ilman on 4:00 AM Rating: 5
Invention of Advance Technology Invention of Advance Technology Reviewed by ilman on 12:47 AM Rating: 5