Among Us Game Dragged by the Impact of the Omnibus Law

The debate about law in Indonesia is not over. The ratification of the Job Creation Omnibus Law has implications for many things. To the extent that the game Among Us was dragged down.
Why was this popular game being dragged into the Omnibus Law on Job Creation? Take a look at one of the trending topics on Twitter today, Tuesday (6/10/2020).

Most popular now one of them is #DPRIMPOSTOR which is trending with 12,400 tweets. It seems that many Indonesians equate members of the DPR with Impostor characters.

Games Among Us were created by Forest Willard, Marcus Bromander and Amy Liu from Innersloth Studio for a long time, namely 2018 and exploded in popularity in 2020. This game does feature 2 characters, namely Crewmate and Impostor. Crewmate players are in good positions or protagonists whose job it is to repair damage in outer space.

Acting as a criminal is an impostor, carrying out sabotage and trying to finish off all crewmate members. The Among Us game is indeed very popular and is now played by more than 3 million people worldwide, according to a report from Innersloth.

Impostor’s character is annoying. He pretends to help Crewmate, but he turns out to be a traitor.

It seems that netizens who are disappointed with the Omnibus Law Bill think the DPR is like an impostor. According to them, the DPR seemed to have betrayed the people’s trust, just as Impostor betrayed Crewmate. Same and similar.

On Twitter, many memes have circulated criticizing the DPR with pictures from the game Among Us.

Among Us Game Dragged by the Impact of the Omnibus Law Among Us Game Dragged by the Impact of the Omnibus Law Reviewed by ilman on 6:24 AM Rating: 5

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